
Meet potential partners, stakeholders and startups at Connext 2019

7-8 February 2019, MiCo Milan

07 February 2019

Connext is the first associative partnership initiative of Confindustria, an exhibition event for digital networking, aimed at national and international companies. Four drivers of development (Smart Factory, Metropolitan Development Areas, Territory laboratory of sustainable development, Progress focused on people ) of the Italian entrepreneurial system and two days of meetings to bring together national entrepreneurial excellences, networking and creating opportunities for growth through new business opportunities.

Connext, aims to raise awareness of small and large industrial realities of our country and strengthen a growth path in the logic of supply chain both vertical and horizontal, crossing the themes of innovation.

Exprivia|Italtel participates in the event with a thematic seminar entitled: "The Open Innovation Strategies of Exprivia|Italtel" scheduled for Thursday, February 7th from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm at MiCo - Milano Convention Center.

For more information www.connext.confindustria.it