Press releases
Coronavirus and IT Security: free business consultancy from Exprivia to asess cyber risks

It is essential to reduce the risk of cyber attacks connected in particular with smart working. Exprivia participates in the ‘Digital Solidarity’ initiative promoted by the Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digitalisation offering a free consultancy service.

The fast uptake of new technologies during this epidemiological emergency puts businesses at even greater risk of cyber attacks. This is why Exprivia, with the support of its team specialising in CyberSecurity, is offering businesses a free consultancy service which will be developed via the "Threat Exposure Calculator”, an analytical tool that assesses exposure to the most dangerous cyber threats in just a few hours.

Through its participation in the ‘Digital Solidarity’ initiative promoted by the Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digitalisation, Exprivia offers a free consultancy service which can be requested by sending a mail to; the service enables businesses to determine the level of IT security of the entire organisation, analysing numerous types of attacks. In the first phase, via questionnaires and remote interviews the Exprivia analysts collect information from the company on its current activities and active IT security measures. The data are then crunched by the "Threat Exposure Calculator” which uses machine learning and Threat Intelligence technology to produce a report on the company’s level of security. In the final phase the analysts simulate the implementation of security measures to observe the evolution of the risk. Special attention will be focused on protecting the Smart Working services that many businesses have quickly ramped up due to the emergency.

With many businesses having extended smart working practices to a large number of their employees in order to contain the spread of the virus, the potential for cyber attacks has increased and unfortunately security activities are not moving at quite the same rate”, comments Domenico Raguseo, director of Digital Factory CyberSecurity at Exprivia. “For this reason the Exprivia Group has decided to participate in the government’s ‘Digital Solidarity’ initiative, offering businesses consultancy so they can calculate their exposure to threats in advance and consequently reduce the risks.

The service, shortly to be uploaded at, joins the other solutions recently developed by Exprivia: from the ‘iorestoacasa‘ app that allows users to self-assess their symptoms, to ‘Rita’, the virtual assistant for public authorities which outlines the activities permitted and forbidden by the government decree of 11/3/2020.