Automatic Failure Detection:
we have a VISION for your company

Predictive Maintenance
Aerial Imagery and Artificial Intelligence serving a virtual inspection platform for the infrastructure network, fostering sustainable Digital Transformation.

Exprivia Threat Intelligence Infographics China September December 2023

Request free of charge the Exprivia Report that compiles the Cybersecurity data collected by its Observatory on attacks, incidents and privacy breaches in China.

Case history
Exprivia won the European tender announced by ECMWF Visualising the Earth of the future

A solution planned on a cloud-based technology that enables visualization, monitoring and storage of data in real time through interactions with a "digital twin" of Earth

Press Release Binding offer
acquisition of Balance

Salesforce for Finance, Industry and Utilities sectors

Notice OPA

Public Purchase Offer

In this section you can find all the documents related to the voluntary total takeover bid promoted by Abaco concerning all the ordinary shares of Exprivia S.p.A. announced on 31 May 2023

Case history
Optimized business management with SAP S/4HANA Digital Transformation at Calia Italy

More effective and centralized data management, enhancing visibility and accessibility to crucial information in real-time, and optimized business processes, reducing cycle times and increasing overall operational efficiency

Artificial Intelligence|We have a natural talent for applying Artificial Intelligence to your processes

Technologies are ready to meet the computational challenges thrown up by the evolution of AI. Now, companies need a project-driven approach that enables them to introduce Artificial Intelligence into their business processes

Case study
GRINS Growing, Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable

With GRINS available to public and private actors, statistical analyses capable of representing socio-economic, environmental, healthcare, and financial trends on the themes of growth, resilience, inclusivity, and sustainability.

Exprivia's task is to develop an innovative platform for managing heterogeneous georeferenced data at a granular level called AMELIA (Data Platform for the Transfer of Knowledge and Statistical Analysis).

Case study

El proyecto tiene como objetivo proponer una solución innovadora basada en sensores, actuadores, domótica, robótica e inteligencia artificial capaz de ofrecer servicios de asistencia y monitoreo innovadores que permitan a las personas mayores frágiles permanecer en su entorno doméstico el mayor tiempo posible, llevar un estilo de vida saludable y recibir asistencia personalizada..

Case study

Conversational agents of digital marketing in service of the tradition of the Mediterranean diet




2023 Consolidated Non-Financial Disclosure

We will tell you how we have made environmental and social sustainability the pillars of our Group's business: our commitment to operating sustainably, minimising our environmental impact, making a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate and ensuring the well-being of people

Partnership Are you ready for a new user experience for your document processes?

Exprivia is expanding its range of products thanks to the DDM Solution for SAP Applications

Alliances Ecosystem