When we talk about the Italian Conference on Cybersecurity, we mean ITASEC20!
04 February 2020
ITASEC, the Italian Conference on Cybersecurity, is an annual event organised by the Cybersecurity Innovation Lab (CINI) for Italian researchers and professionals working in the field of information security in the public and private sector, universities and research institutes.
Exprivia|Italtel will be present at the event, running from 4 to 7 February at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of the Marche Region of Ancona. It will be there with an exhibition desk to present its services in the field of Cybersecurity and with a vision speech entitled ‘Cybersecurity, an asset with intrinsic value’, by Domenico Raguseo, Head of the Cybersecurity Unit at Exprivia. Exprivia|Italtel will also be also present at the scientific sessions led by Domenico Raguseo held in our vendors' space.
For more information, please visit the event website at the link:itasec.it/about-itasec/