
Launch of the AiSDet National Convention for Digital Health, Equity and Universality of the national health system

Bari - September 27-28

27 September 2018

The conference focuses on the role of digital health and telemedicine as strategic levers to ensure access to health services and care pathways.

The event will deal with issues that will affect the economic scenarios, the empowerment of the citizen, the indications to review the guidelines of telemedicine, how the new procurement code can foster the growth and development of the NHS. A general managerial meeting is planned to start implementing innovation policies supported by the digital health system together with a review of organizational models to guarantee to the citizen/patient a high quality level of health services.

It is in this context that Exprivia participates in the conference with a speech by Dr. Francesco Bellifemine, Director of Production in the Healthcare Business Unit, in the field "Digital Health and Telemedicine. Conditions to be effective and useful. Method questions? "Scheduled for September 27th.

For further details: www.aisdet.it