
Innovation of the health system at Forum PA Sanità 2019

29-30 October 2019, Rome

29 October 2019

The fourth edition of Forum PA Sanità, which will be held on 29 and 30 October at the Talent Garden Ostiense in Rome, is dedicated to public health operators and private entities interested in getting up to date on the innovations in the health system.

Exprivia|Italtel will be participating at the 2019 event with the aim of illustrating our projects and how we are contributing to the Digital Transformation of important Regions and Health Authorities.
Arturo Possidente, Sales Director Public Sector & Healthcare at Exprivia, will talk about these issues during the conference entitled: “Buying innovation in Healthcare, the case of the CONSIP SGI Framework Agreement: results, value created and future lines of development. Discussion between Health Authorities and the Market”. With this AQ, innovative purchasing tool, procurement for the innovation of Health Authority management systems has evolved, making it possible to acquire end to end services (from strategic development through to the implementation of the systems), and has also been simplified with under 30 days taken to sign each specific contract on average.
This is the context in which Forum PA Sanità 2019 draws parallels between the Market and the Health Authorities that have purchased innovations, checking the facts and envisaging development prospects which may also influence the strategic use of digital technology in the healthcare ecosystem.

For more information visit www.forumpa.it