Festival "Il Libro Possibile"
03 July 2019
"Il Libro Possibile" is a festival held in Polignano a Mare. Over the years it has become one of the most important cultural festivals of Southern Italy, with a rich program of national and international guests. The Festival takes place in July, in six Polignano squares, through meetings with representatives of literature, journalism, politics, judiciary, business, science, art and entertainment. The 2019 edition will take place from 3 to 6 July and the theme will be "The pace of humanity" drawing inspiration from 50 years of landing on the Moon.
Exprivia | Italtel supports the event and actively participates in the Festival.
Here is the event in which we will be involved:
• 04/07: dialogue between dr. Domenico Favuzzi, President of the Exprivia | Italtel Group, and Alfio Quarteroni, world-renowned mathematician
For further information: https://libropossibile.com/