
Exprivia Main Partner of Banche e Sicurezza

25-26 May 2021

25 May 2021

The health emergency has thrown us into a digitalised world that generates great opportunities but also makes cyber risk one of the most important issues on the desks of banking boards. Banks have to manage a huge amount of data and ensure protection from malicious use, operational stability and speed of execution. This makes it essential to think in terms of security and resilience by design through targeted strategies for each of the three critical factors: people, technology, suppliers and third parties.

Banche e Sicurezza is the context in which these aspects will be explored and debated online on 25 and 26 May.

Exprivia, Main Partner of the event, will take part in the opening plenary session "The Security of Innovation" on Tuesday 25 May, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with Domenico Raguseo, Head of CyberSecurity Unit, and in the parallel session of the Partners HCL and Tenable entitled: “Nuovi malware e vecchie insidie: affrontarli con l’aiuto della threat intelligence”, scheduled on 26 May, from 9:30 to 11:00, with Alessandro Dinia, Product Manager, BigFix, HCL and Paolo Florian, Sales Engineer Tenable on the topic " Far leva sulla conoscenza approfondita dei rischi per accelerare i processi di remediation delle vulnerabilità : Tenable e HCL BigFix”.

For more information and to register for the event, visit the website: https://banchesicurezza.abieventi.it/register