
Exprivia | Italtel at IOTHINGS Milan

3-4 April 2019, Mind - Milan Innovation District

03 April 2019

 IOTHINGS Milan is one of the most important events in Italy dedicated to M2M and Internet of Things technologies. It was born with the aim of taking stock of technologies and applications made to date and to take a look at the business models and future challenges that Italian and foreign operators expect.

IOTHINGS Milan will take place on 3 and 4 April in the new MIND - MILAN INNOVATION DISTRICT, built in the area that hosted Expo 2015 and that is becoming a science, knowledge and innovation district of excellence.

We participate in this important event with a speech by Luca Ferraris, Head of Innovation, Marketing & Technology of the Exprivia|Italtel group, in two sessions, both held on April 4th:

• from 9:30 to 11:00 ROUND TABLE - GOVERNANCE AND SERVICES: 5G challenges and opportunities for companies and public administrations
Digitization and growth, a combination supported by the thrust of high-speed connections. What innovative platforms and services is possible - today and in the future - to make available to citizens and businesses?

• from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm ROUND TABLE - INDUSTRY 4.0 AND SMART LAND
The digital transformation taking place in the cities and territories as a flywheel of the production system

For more details: