
Exprivia at SAP NOW 2021!

From October 27th, on demand

27 October 2021

Organised in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore, SAP NOW 2021, 27th and 28th October from Fabrique in Milan, taked place with the participation of over 50 SAP Partners.

The focus of this edition will be on innovation and sustainability as new performances for today's companies. On the agenda, digital talk animated by the protagonists of Italian companies and prestigious guests, moments of entertainment and artistic performances and connections with the places of innovation, where digital marks a decisive turning point.

"Sir Safety System: your protector" is the title of Exprivia's place of innovation, broadcast in simulive on 28 October at 10.45 am. Our customer tells his story and the path towards innovation led in the company thanks to the implementation of the SAP S/4 Hana vertical Fashion solution.

From October 27th the Exprivia workshop on demand will be entitled: " Emmelibri Group looks to the futurure with SAP S/4HANA".

For more information, visit the website: https://www.sapnow.it