
EXPO 2020 Dubai

1 October 2021 - 31 March 2022, Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre - Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

17 October 2021

The doors of the World Expo in Dubai open!

Expo Dubai which was to be held in October 2020, has been postponed due to the pandemic and will be held from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. The focus of the Expo is Connecting Minds, Creating the Future, closely related to the city's ancient Arabic name meaning 'the connection' to symbolise the 'connection' between peoples, countries, cultures and ideas that the pandemic has disrupted, and the reference to 'creating the future', sowing the seeds of hope for a new global renaissance.
An estimated 25 million visitors are expected through the participation of over 190 countries and their pavilions. The Italian Pavilion presents themes relating to climate, space, urban development, the promotion of intercultural dialogue, innovation and digitalisation in health, agriculture and the blue economy, and the objectives of the UN's 2030 Agenda.

It’s in this context that the Regione Puglia has set up an institutional and business mission to promote investment and collaboration opportunities in the economic, technological and aerospace sectors. The Regione Puglia, in fact, intended to focus its participation in the event in two specific periods that coincide with two thematic weeks of Expo 2020 Dubai of particular relevance for the region, namely:
- "Space Week", from 17 to 23 October 2021, dedicated to themes related to space, exploration, space research, earth observation and satellite data management technologies;
- “Water Week", from 20 to 26 March 2022, dedicated to themes linked to the management of water resources, the blue economy, water as a source of sustenance and renewable energy and aquatic ecosystems.

Exprivia has been selected by the Regione Puglia to take part in the Space Week thematic exhibition and in the Mission Outgoing Aerospace Sector, scheduled from 17 to 19 October, two important appointments during which bilateral meetings, company visits and visits to the entire expo area are planned.
Antonio Vollono, Head of Aerospace Delivery Center, Defence & Aerospace Digital Factory takes part in the initiative to present Exprivia's offer in the Aerospace & Defence field, with particular reference to the solution for Long Term Archiving of heterogeneous data (50+ years) on optical media (Optical Disk Archive born in 2016 by SONY and PANASONIC), currently in operation with satellite data in the European Space Agency's (ESA) Copernicus programme, and to services and solutions for monitoring ports and maritime navigation, currently in use at European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)"

For further information: https://www.expo2020dubai.com/en