

Service center Bezzi – Conference Room Banco BPM

22 May 2018

“Banche e Sicurezza” is the event promoted by the Italian Banking Association and organized by ABIServizi on physical and digital security in the financial sector.

Cybersecurity, cyber physical systems, fraud, personal data protection legislation, cyber innovation and fintech, security and new skills, are the themes of the conference, in which the Exprivia-Italtel group participates together with SecuPi, with a speech entitled: " The disruptive approach of the GDPR, from the Consensus, to Oblivion, to Data Protection, without IT invasion "by Hadley Taylor, Security Offering Manager Banking & Insurance Exprivia-Italtel Group and Alon Rosenthal - CEO Secupi, expected on Wednesday 23 May scope of the parallel session "Governance and regulatory developments".

For more information: http://banchesicurezza.abieventi.it/