
50th anniversary of the birth of Internet

29 October 2019, Rome

29 October 2019

On October 29, at the Convention Hall of the National Research Council, CNR celebrates the 50th anniversary of the birth of Internet with a conference on the network's past, present and future entitled 'Internet 50'.
The event opens at 10.00 am with the greetings of the President of CNR, Massimo Inguscio, followed by the presentation of Arpanet research project, which on October 29, 1969 led to the creation of the Network of Networks, through a video interview with Leonard Kleinrock (the first computer communication was carried out by the US computer research laboratory of Kleinrock at the University of California, Los Angeles).

During the day Italian researchers, scientists, journalists and entrepreneurs analyze how the Internet has transformed scientific research, economy and society. In the second part of the conference, which starts at 2.30 pm, scientists and top managers discuss the future of Internet and its perspectives of development. For Exprivia | Italtel Stefano Pileri, CEO of Italtel, makes a presentation on the future of the network.

For further information: www.iit.cnr.it/node/57339
Link to the agenda: www.originiinternetitalia.it/it/eventi/