
Mammographic screening: Exprivia technology at MEDiT 2017

MEDIT -17 -18 November 2017 – Fiera Vicenza

15 Noviembre 2017

How can technology be used to assist patients at a remote location and share healthcare data securely and rapidly? How are diagnostic consulting and the use of mammographic screening services changing to prevent breast cancer?
These are some of the themes discussed at MEDiT, the event dedicated to innovations and technological development in the world of healthcare to be held on 17 and 18 November in Vicenza.
As a partner of this important appointment in the sector, Exprivia will describe the innovative solutions in the field of mammographic screening, in a speech by Dr. Paolo Stofella, Business Development Director of Exprivia Healthcare IT, entitled: “Structured radiology and mammography reporting” as a part of the conference “The opportunities presented by technology for the organization of a regional mammographic screening network”, to be held on Saturday 18 November at 9:00.