

Con base a los resultados del libro socios complementado por las comunicaciones recibidas de conformidad con el art. 120 de la TUF y de la información disponible, al 30 de junio de 2024 la composición del accionariado de Exprivia es la siguiente:


Shareholders Shares % on share capital Voting rights % on voting rights(1)
Abaco Innovazione S.p.A. 22.896.759 44,131% 45.773.518 61,227%
Abaco3 S.p.A. (3) 16.326.329 31,467% 16.326.329 21,838%
Other shareholders 5.411.960 10,431% 5.411.960 7,239%
Treasury Shares Held (2) 7.248.910 13,971% 7.248.910 9,696%
Total Shares 51.883.958 100,00% 74.760.717 100,00%

(1) Voting percentage determined on the basis of the total amount of voting rights as of July 11, 2023, equal to 74,760,717, disclosed pursuant to Article 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis, of Consob Regulation. 11971/1999.
(2) Voting rights related to treasury shares in the Company’s portfolio are suspended pursuant to Article 2357-ter of the Italian Civil Code..
(3) Abaco3 SpA is wholly owned by Abaco Innovazione SpA, which consequently holds a total (direct and indirect) shareholding in Exprivia of 75,60% of the share capital, equal to 83,06% of the voting rights.

4296 - Accionistas
